Discipline is an integral part of education. Strict discipline must be maintained both inside and outside the school.
Students should assemble class-wise for morning assembly.
Every student should behave respectfully to the members of the staff.
Participation in school programmes is compulsory.
Pupils who are absent from class must bring leave note from their guardians to the class teacher starting the reason for their absence.
Pupils must reach the school before the first bell. They must not leave the school without permission of the principal or class teacher.
Children should not lend or borrow any articles.
Playing or shouting inside the school buildings is strictly forbidden. While passing along the corridor or stair case, pupils should keep the left.
The school uniform is to be worn daily.
Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act, insubordination or serious misconduct or threats even outside the school are sufficient reason for dismissal.
Pupils should be simple and modest in their dress. Gold ornaments should mot be used.
No books, newspapers or periodicals other than school books, may be brought into the class.
Pupils from one class are not allowed to be in other class room without permission.
Report of marks and conduct of the students will be sent to parents and that should be returned to the school duly signed.
Every pupil is expected to behave in polite manner while traveling by the school bus or by private conveyance.
A pupil traveling by the school bus from the beginning of a term has to travel by it for the whole term. If the pupil wants to discontinue the travel by school bus from next term she/he has to inform in advance.
Each pupil is responsible for the safe custody of his/her belongings.
All personal article including books shall be kept neat and labeled.
The cost of damage or less of school property will be recovered from the pupil concerned.
Scribbling on walls and furniture is prohibited and action will be taken against those found doing so.
It is compulsory that pupil should converse in English.